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Sample Web Development Agreement(给客户建网站的合同模板)

作者: JC, 更新日期: 2021-10-13

1) the projects specifics .. line items are good.
2) timelines – delivery dates.
3) terms between the client and web designer.
4) payment terms.
5) payment amounts.
6) what the CLIENT has to delivery, typically that means the content for the site.


1) 项目应该分三次付款,每次付33%。具体就是,33% up front, 33% on delivery of the first draft and 33% on delivery of the final project. 这样可保证及时收款。

2) 付款应该有截止日期的,也就是,payments are due within 10 days after deliver of your invoice.

3) 款项全部付清前是不能给源程序的。You own the code until the final payment is made. 也就是合同里应该有assignment of right clause。

4) 第一稿交付后,只能修改三次。There will be 3 revisions after delivering the first draft.

5) 项目交付后,不应该承担任何责任了。也就是应该有client release clause,大概的意思是 you are free of any obligations after sign-off.

6) 项目交付后,双方应该签字确认。Clients must sign off after getting the final release.

协议的正文最好前面是标准的条款,项目scope, 付款等条款应该放到appendix里。这样给每个客户准备协议的时候,正文基本不动,只需要填写appendix就成了。


注: 这份合同并不是十全十美的,有些条款明显对客户过于有利,比如客户满意后再付款,这种是不对的,因为网站永远需要修修补补的,客户是不可能完全满意的。
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